1. The New York Qin Society was formed by qin players in the New York region with the aim to exchange music, performance techniques and ideas in regard to musical manuscripts, and as part of an effort to study Chinese traditional arts in their cultural context. The Society also supports contemporary arts based on these traditions.
2. The name of our Society is derived from the place where it was formed. The Society is happy to cooperate with other qin societies, but it has no official association with any schools or styles of play.
3. Anyone with convenient access to the society’s places of meeting, including on-line meetings, and who loves to play and/or appreciate qin music, can become a member of the Society. To become a member, a candidate should first participate in at least three Society activities (including on-line meetings), have the recommendation of a member, and receive approval from the Society members. Non-resident membership is also available for those without such convenient access.
4. Active members of the society elect one president and three administrative posts – the treasurer, the secretary and the corresponding secretary,
The webmanager, the assistant webmanager and the photographer are appointed by the president.
4.1. The President is responsible for the society’s plans and the execution of the plans.
4.2. The Vice President is responsible for assisting the president with social affairs.
4.3. The Treasurer is responsible for the society’s bookkeeping and expenditure of funds.
4.4. The secretary is responsible for recording the minutes for and editing of the journal, website content and other publications.
4.5. The corresponding secretary is responsible for notifying members of gatherings and news, and corresponds with other societies, organizations and friends.
The webmanager is responsible for the management of the website. The assistant web manager is to assist the webmanager.
The photographer is responsible for the picture imaging and filming of the society’s gatherings for the use of the society. Members can also help with providing photos and videos to complement NYQS’ archive.
5. The presidency and the administrative posts should be filled every two years through an election by active members. At that time membership fees should be up to date, and that is also the most appropriate time to propose new plans and/or changes to the Agreement.
6. The annual membership fees are determined in a vote by active members; they should be paid by the first meeting of the year. Income from this fee may be used to support the Society’s ongoing expenses such as the Society website and postal expenses, plus Society activities including meetings, dining expenses and/or other social engagements. Expenditures should be approved through a vote by active members. Members must have dues paid up to the current year to vote in society elections.
- Membership dues for regular members: $26.
- Membership dues for couples : $30.
- Membership dues for high school students: $20.
7. Meetings should be held every two months, but emergency meetings can be requested at any time. The meetings will usually be held at a member’s home, where he or she will serve as host, but they could also take place at other venues including appropriate scenic sites and on the internet. During the pandemic period of time, all meetings take place on line.
8. The main aim of the meetings is education as well as enjoyment. Aside from qin related topics, anything in the arts might be appreciated and discussed. Communication and friendship should be maintained with other qin societies, and members are encouraged to have new qin-related experiences that they can share with members during meetings.
9. Every meeting and conference will be limited to 6 hours maximum, while on-line meetings will be limited to 2.5 hours maximum. Members may arrive late or leave early during meetings, but if a meal is planned in conjunction with the meeting they are encouraged to consider that as an integral part of the meeting.
10. The Society aims to arrange an annual conference, performance and/or workshop open to the public. The main purpose is to promote understanding of “the Way of the qin” as well as to allow members to express themselves in their areas of specialty. Aside from performing qin music, an important part of the event should be making connections between the qin and other aspects of Chinese arts, history and culture. Within that context the themes that can be discussed are unlimited. During the pandemic period of time, the public performance and/or workshop will be waived or held on-line. Every second Sunday of December is the annual meeting for all members to discuss the plan for the coming year and society business.
11. The agreement consists of the above ten points. If there is a perceived difference between the English and Chinese versions of the agreement the English version takes precedence.
一` 海外操縵之士 以交換古琴音律指法 曲譜之心得 研究中華傳統人文藝術 共立 本社 名為紐約琴社
二` 本社命名 以創社地點為名 並無門戶派別之意
三` 寄居各地之士女 愛操縵而能欣賞元音者 參與本社活動三次後 均得應本社之徵 或因社友之介 為本社社友
四 社友選出社長一人 設行政人員四名: ( 另有網站經理及攝影由社長委任)
; 副社長協助社長計畫與維持社務
副社長一人 秘書一人 助理秘書一人 總務一人
總務主持社資之保管支付 收支之核計
秘書主持社刊之編撰 社集之記述
助理秘書主持社集之通知 本社與友社或各地琴人書札文字之酬答
攝影主持集會之影像或錄音 提供社內使用 – 社員均可提供支持
五` 每兩年初集會時 得改選社長及行政人員 預定社務計劃 並得更訂社約 年費等事 已繳納 當年會費之會員得以行使投票權
六` 社友年繳26美元 夫妻同是會員年共繳30 美元 高中生年繳20美元 於每年初集會繳納 用於集會之茶餐費 網站費用及郵資 或以琴社為名之交際費
七` 社友每兩月雅集一次 或有要事時得不定期通知集會 地點輪流由社友於家中作東 或擇名勝處雅聚 或於網上雅集, COVID疫情期間均以網上雅集為主,
八` 雅集為社友集合切磋而設 除琴事之外 舉凡詩書畫藝各類文玩者均可研討欣賞 此外應常與友社及各地琴人廣通聲氣 並物色名琴佳譜 各類人文雅玩 於雅集時隨時討論
九` 雅集時間以六小時內為度(網上雅集以2-2.5小時為度) 在會餐時間以外 得遲到早散
十` 每年一度年會 以宣揚琴道及社友專業之領域為題 進行活動 除演奏琴曲 討論人文科學之內容 並無所限 (COVID 疫情期間不舉辦表演年會, 由網上雅集取代 每年十二月的第二個周日 舉行年度會員大會 討論下一年度活動及社務事宜 )