中道雅集 :July 9, 2016, Celebrating Qixi (七夕)& Qiqiao(乞巧)Festival:
Organized by Yuni Han
Opened with Qigong Practice led by Yuxia Qiu 氣功練習
Part 1: Celebrating Qixi with Water, Stars,Celestials
- Yuni : Shen Ren Chang 神人暢
- Yixuan: Yiguren 憶故人
- Stephen D: Shishang Liuquan 石上流泉
- Peiyou : Fan Cang Lang 泛滄浪 (Boating on Azure Wave, the prelude of Misty Clouds over Xiao and Xang River 瀟湘水雲之序曲)
- John : Qingping Yue qixi 清平樂 七夕
Break: Write Qiqioao (乞巧, Beseeching skills)on a paperstrip
Part 2:
- Michael A : Meihua San Nong 梅花三弄
- Renjie and Peiyou: 茉莉花 duet with Xiao and guqin:
- Stephen D: Tipping Point : His new piece for electric guqin, computer sounds and video
- Michael Bretti : His research on different strings and development of his own synthetic guqin strings. 化纖琴弦的研究
Part 3: Archery Participants braved to practice archery led by Henry and Chris 射箭練習
Part 4: Bbq Dinner 晚餐
Yaji Photos
Three kinds of strings, from the left to the right — Nylon, Polyester , Silk. Both the Nylon one and the Polyester one are made by Michael himself. All tuned to D.