President’s Words

Alan Yip

Dear Esteemed Members, Friends, and Supporters,

It is with great joy and excitement that I welcome you to a new year with the New York Qin Society as its 5th president.  From where we stand and as we look towards the future, we are reminded of the rich cultural heritage that our beloved guqin represents and the unique role our society plays in preserving, promoting, and sharing this profound art form with the world.

The coming year promises to be one of continued creativity, collaboration, and growth. We are committed to fostering a vibrant community where tradition and new ideas can be embraced; a harmony in a manner that provides opportunities for all members. Whether you are a seasoned musician, a newcomer, or simply a lover of this wonderful art form, there is a place for you here.

2025 is a significant year for the qin tradition — one that has two oldest surviving Ming dynasty handbooks, the Shenqi Mipu (神奇秘谱) of 1425 and the Xilutang Qintong (西麓堂琴统) of 1525; celebrating 600 and 500 years since their publication, respectively. As such, the Society is in active discussion and planning phases in regards to holding the celebration to commemorate this momentous year. 2025 serves as a poignant reminder of not only the legacy of the qin’s deep roots but also the Society’s role in helping to maintain and transmit this ancient tradition for the future generations. We plan to have many exciting events for the year ahead – from concerts, to workshops, and gatherings with artists, scholars, and musicians from across the globe. Online and offline, each of these initiatives is aimed at deepening our collective appreciation of the greater Chinese musical traditions, while honoring the qin’s ancient past in the present.

I encourage each of you to actively participate, to share your passion, and to support one another as we work together to build a stronger, more inclusive, and more dynamic society. Your involvement is key to our success, and together, we can create a community where the qin continues to inspire and resonate far and wide.

On behalf of the entire executive team, I look forward to an exciting year ahead and to seeing how we will grow and evolve as a society. Let us make 2025 and beyond, a year of unforgettable music, memorable moments, and meaningful connections.

With warm regards,

Alan Yip
President, New York Qin Society

Peiyou Chang (served from 2021 to 2024)

The New York Qin Society was established in the year 2000. The founding president and members wrote down their thoughts to express their wishes for the future of the Society. Twenty years later, under the guidance of former presidents, Jung Ping Yuan, Stephen Dydo and John Thompson, plus the efforts of many outstanding members working together, the Society has built a strong foundation.  Later year in September 2020, the Society published a video retrospective of the “20 years of NYQS.” In it we can see that our organization has a very rich and fruitful history. Many of our members are still devoted to studying the qin, practicing and promoting its culture. Two decades later, our society is still growing with outstanding members joining.

All aspects of Qin culture have survived for thousands of years. Its special music notation has been a vital key to open the gate for us and our descendants to explore the original sound of the qin. From vinyl records in the last century, cassettes and CDs to today’s digital audio and video recordings, we are fortunate to hear qin music readily available and recorded by past and current masters. In 2003, the Gu Qin was entered as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Mankind by the United Nations, UNESCO. In 2008, its sound was broadcast at the Olympic Opening Ceremony for millions to hear. Nowadays, Qin societies have been established not only in China but all over the world. Reprints of classic anthologies and new publications both in Chinese and English have increased. Qin culture has never been as prosperous as it is now. Early in 2020, the global pandemic struck the world began.  Friends, teachers and students could not meet each other in person.  Thanks to technology, our Yaji of ” virtual gatherings ” flourished, and our communications have been able to reach beyond geographic borders which is a blessing.

As members of the New York Qin Society, we will continue to follow our original wishes and goals, as stated in our Philosophy. We will continue to devote ourselves to studying, researching and promoting knowledge of the Qin and its Traditional Arts. We will keep up with the times, help each other to grow and help the world to recognize the quality of the Qin and how practice of its music benefits human life.

Peiyou Chang
New York Qin Society
March 10, 2021

紐約琴社成立於公元兩千年 創始之初 創社會長及會員等  立創社之啟  以宣初衷 吾社至今已越二十年 歷任社長 袁中平 戴德 唐世璋 先生以及多位傑出創社會員等努力之下 已將琴社建立起雄厚的根基  本社回顧二十年影集顯示 琴社歷史豐富多彩 多位社員致力於琴學研究與推廣. 更多傑出琴人學者 陸續加入本社 實為本社之榮光

琴歷千年而不衰 其獨特之字譜流傳 是一把重要的鎖鑰 開啟後人們探索古琴元音之門 從上世紀黑膠唱片錄音 卡帶 光碟 到如今數位影音垂手可得 是本世紀琴人之幸 兩千零三年 琴入聯合國非物質文化遺產 兩千零八年 其音奏於奧運盛會 今海內外琴社分立於各地  中英文琴譜論述刊新 學者日增 琴道更顯昌盛  兩千二十年初 全球肺炎疫情漸趨險峻 海內外琴友師生會員等 欲親臨各地雅集 交流受阻 但拜科技之所賜 雲端雅集興盛 交流更是無遠弗界 焉知非福 

吾等將一貫創社初衷 繼續為琴文化向世界推廣努力 誠如創社之啟所宣 繼續”慕懷中華文明之精粹 寓於海外 無分種族 以琴道為宗 人文藝術為輔 寄傳統於新地 探中西所異同 招隱同顯 求其友聲”  並與時俱進 友諒互助 願世界更多同人 受益琴道

張培幼 謹肅再拜