The 3rd Yaji of 2024

Qin Luthiery and its Cultural Significance 古琴工藝與文化意蘊

New York Qin Society Yaji Program

Date: June 16, 2024
Time: 3 pm EDT
Theme: Qin Luthiery and its Cultural Significance (古琴工藝與文化意蘊)

We were delighted to present an engaging yaji program focused on the art of qin luthiery and its rich cultural heritage. The program included insightful talks and two musical performances:

First Hour

Opening: President Peiyou Chang welcomes two new members, Dr. Luca Pisano and Dr. Danny Wongworawat.

Musical Performance:

Qin-Making Experience:

  • Dr. Danny Wongworawat shared his experiences and insights into the art of qin-making – Eliminating defects and knowing the reasons 去病知因. Please watch:

Second Hour

Historical Qin Story:

  • Andrea Lioy shared the story of one of his qins made in the 1980s under the supervision of Mr. Sun Qintang, who was active in the early 1970s. Andrea found this qin online and originally intended to purchase it to learn qin making by opening it up. However, he discovered some interesting inscriptions inside the qin and ultimately decided not to open it. Instead, he cleaned it thoroughly and restrung the qin. From the inscriptions, he found Mr. Sun Qintang’s name and began his research on Mr. Sun and qin making in Beijing during the 1970s and 1980s. Please listen to Mr. Lioy’s qin performance of 良宵引 on this qin:

A Preview of Cultural Aspects of the Qin:

  • André Ribeiro gave a preview of his paper discussing the cultural significance of his two qins, which are named in both Chinese and the Brazilian native language, Nheengatu.The Nheengatu language, also known as Língua Geral Amazônica, Língua Geral Cabocla, or Língua Geral do Norte, is a Tupian language that emerged during the 16th century as a lingua franca among indigenous peoples, European colonizers, and enslaved Africans in the Amazon region. Please watch:

Third Hour

Special Story:

The meeting ended at 5:30 PM.

Feedback from a YouTube audience:


Ralph Knag, Luca Pisano, Andre Ribeiro, Danny Wongworawat, Daphney, Hugo Andres Forero Patino, John Thompson, Julian Joseph, Lawrence P Kaster, Mandy Zostek, Andrea Lioy, Marilyn Wong Gleysteen, Michael Bretti, Peiyou Chang, Stephen Dydo, Sue Fawn Chung, Tie Liu, Ziying Zhao, Jennifer Chan, and Nina Starostina.

Special Announcement

Congratulations to the New York Qin Society’s youngest member, Miss Tung Chen, on receiving the US President’s Award for Educational Excellence.