2021 Feb. 13 Chinese New Year Yaji

13 Feb, 2021
9 am EST, ended at noon. 美東早上九點至十二點
2 pm in UK and Ireland 大不列顛群島下午兩點
10 pm in Taipei/ Hong Kong/ Singapore 台北香港新加坡晚上十點

Opening talk by Current President John Thompson and the moderator Marilyn Gleysteen

1, Su Weiting (Singapore) 蘇偉婷 – Qin playing: Yú Qiáo Wèn Dá [漁樵問答] ( 0:00:00 )
2, Bill Mak (Hong Kong) 麥文彪 – Research report: Yú Qiáo Wèn Dá (Dialog Between Fisherman and Woodcutter) discussed in Japan 日本有關 [漁樵問答] 的一些研究報告 ( 0:09:46 )
3, Sarah Chen (Taipei) 陳麗如 – Qin playing: Shí Shàng Liú Quán [石上流泉] Spring Water Over Pebbles ( 0:37:42 )
4, Jung Ping 袁中平 (Taipei) – Qin playing: Yú Gē [漁歌] Fisherman Song ( 0:48:26 )
5, Andrea Lioy (London, UK) – Qin playing: Liáng Xiāo Yǐn [良宵引] Song of A Pleasant Night ( 1:03:55 )
6, Esmeralda Herrero (Ireland) – Qin playing:《unsullied》—The theme song of Ashes of love [不染] ( 1:07:27 )
Free chat with audience
7, Bin Li 李彬 (NJ) – Research report: Performance and brief talk of two different types of Jue modal preludes (角意) from various qin handbooks. ( 1:12:10 )
8, Peiyou Chang 張培幼 (NY) – Her new relaxation music “Icicle Drops” 創作曲: 檐頭冰滴滴 ( 1:32:07 )
9, Tomoko Sugawara (NY) – Kugo/Kongho playing Tang Dynasty (618-907)music 箜篌演奏唐朝音樂 ( 1:36:09 )
越殿楽 (Kongho and Guqin) Music of the Palace of Yue ( 1:45:33 )
蝴蝶樂 Kochō, Music of Butterflies ( 1:49:25 )
青海波 The Waves of Kokonor ( 1:49:25 )
10, John Thompson / Hongmei Zhang 唐世璋 / 張紅梅 (NJ) – Qin playing and Singing, 琴歌:
Sī Guī Yǐn [思歸引], Longing to Return Prelude, 1511 and 1585 versions
Chūn Jiāng Qǔ [春江曲] Springtime River Melody, 1511 version.

Attendees: Bill Mak, John Thompson, Jung Ping Yuan, Bin Li, Dylan Sauerwald, Esmeralda Herrero, Hongmei Zhang, Jenny Chen, Joao Olivera, Juni Yeung, Mingmei Yip, Peiyou Chang, Ralph Knag, Qiaoli Su, Rowen Chow, Stephen Dydo, Su Weiting, Sarah Chen, Marilyn Gleysteen, Andrea Lioy, Tomoko Sugawara, Bo Lawergren

Chatroom Conversation

Documentation: Peiyou Chang