The 4th Yaji of 2023

The Art of Dapu and Members’ Recent Activities including Bard College Conference Followup

Sunday April 23 15:00 EST

Live Streaming 實況錄影:


André Ribeiro « opening speech.»

Qin Music

1. Guest. Daniel Sutter – Jiǔ Kuáng 酒狂, Drunken Madness (Switzerland)

Daniel Sutter is a 40 year old Swiss doctor who grew up playing the piano and later the classical guitar. Over the years he was dabbling with different other instruments and some choir singing. In 2022 he discovered the Guqin for himself through the modern Guqin Song “Upward to the Moon” on Youtube, and he looked up a video explanation of the Qin music notation by Juni Yeung out of curiosity. In the following winter, Guqin videos re-appeared in his Youtube feed and he discovered the full beauty of all the ancient Guqin music and he knew he had to start playing. Since then he is a student of Qin Streller-Shin, the only Guquin teacher in Switzerland, who is herself a former student of Wu Wenguang.

2. Juni Yeung – O Canada (since she only showed one phrase last talk)

3. Dan Reid – Either Shí Shàng Liú Quán 石上流泉 or Ōu Lù Wàng Jī 鷗鷺忘機

Qin Talk

1. André Ribeiro 林柏儒 – Perception of Time at Dà hújiā 大胡笳 reconstruction (dapu 打譜) from Shen Qi Mi Pu 《神奇秘譜》handbook (1425).

Please Click to read André’s slides

2. John Thompson 唐世璋 – Historically Informed Reconstructions from Old Tablature: A Path to New Music as well as Old

Please Click to read John’s site:

3. Esmie Herrero – Her Trip to Taiwan (Apr 5-14), meeting qin shop and Master Yuan Jung-Ping.

Please click to see Esmie’s slides

4. Mingmei Yip 葉明媚 – Talk about the Bard college conference

Reference links:

Bard College Conference: (Section 2 conference started at around 3:07:30)

Click here to see what Mingmei mentioned about the knocking techniques. (Around 40:00 – 52:00)

The meeting ends at 6:30pm EST

Chat Room Record


Andre Ribeiro, Andrea Lioy, Esmie Herrero, Mingmei Yip, Ralph Knag, Peiyou Chang,  Daniel Olivier Sutter, Julian Joseph, Mandy Zostek, Tie Liu, Dan Reid, Sue Fawn Chung, Stephen Dydo, Lawrence Kaster, Michael Bretti. Juni Yeung, John Thompson, Marilyn Wong Gleysteen, Coral Liang, Lisa Raphals, Jenny Chen, Han Qing

Documentation: Peiyou Chang