Music, Silk String & Alternative Tuning System
雲端雅集 古琴音樂與坐談 – 弦絲及替代調音系統
Time: Sunday, February 26, 2023 15:00 EST
Feb 26 Yaji Programme :: Silk String & Alternative Tuning System
1st hour > Music Playing starting 3pm, 5 players
2nd hour > Qin Talk starting at 4pm approx.
André Ribeiro 林柏儒 « announcing the keynote speakers.»
Juni Yeung 楊雪亭 – « applied dapu transcription, heptatonism, and the need to expand our strings to be heptatonically tuned as an alternative tuning system for our instrument. »
Guest. Geng Wang 王 耕 « Why silk strings »
Abstract: For the past 100 years, silk string making is always at mysterious status. Only pieces of information are reconstructed from antique books and low-quality silk string makers, especially Chinese traditional silk string. The following talk will mainly focus on,
1. Why silk strings?
2. Evidence of historical silk strings worldwide and analysis.
3. Aesthetic change concerning silk string and qin playing.
(On qin making, I’d like to share my view on the concept of silk string qin.)
{ending at 17:55} 2h55 min
Tung Chen, Alan Yip, Andrea Lloy, Char Chi Teng, Coral Liang, Daniel Sutter, Hugo Andres Forero Platino, Joao Oliverira, John Thompson, John Yang, Lawrence Kaster, Lisa Raphals, Marilyn Wong Gleysteen, , Matthew Flannery, Mingmei Yip, Peiyou Chang, Juni Yeung , Sue Chung, Tie Liu, Yanchen Zhang, Victor Vermelho, Yi Hu, Geng Wang, Andre Riberiro, W Pei, Stephen Dydo, Shanny Li
Documentation: Peiyou Chang